01637 872444 info@lustyglaze.co.uk

Event Postponement – Frequently asked questions

1. Will My 2020/21 Tickets Be Valid For The New 2022 Date? 

Yes. You do not need to take any action. Your e-ticket has been automatically transferred to the new event’s new date. We will be in touch shortly before the event with all the essential information.

2. If I’m Unable To Make The Revised Date, What Options Do I Have? 

  1. If you are unable to make the revised date, we are waiving the ‘No Re-sale’ clause. Using the Official Partner link below, you will be able to resell your e-ticket(s). Please note, this will be at face value only. This ticket portal will be open until the rescheduled date has sold out. Please refer to the resale details listed below.
  2. Please note that tickets for this event are limited are currently sold to capacity.  Should you choose to place your tickets up for resale, it is expected that take up will be swift.

Please go here to register your e-tickets – http://lustyglaze.twickets.live/

3. You can gift your ticket to a friend. If you wish to do this, please just forward your e-ticket voucher to events@lustyglaze.co.ukalong with the full details of the new ticket holder (Full name, email address, phone number, address) and we will update the details for you.

4. f you would like to gift your ticket to charity for auction/raffle prize etc please contact us with the details events@lustyglaze.co.uk We will be holding several charity days this summer for organisations such as Cornwall Hospice Care, Cornwall Air Ambulance etc – if you have a specific charity that you would like to gift your tickets to, please mention this in your message.

Please note, we are a small team who will now be working from home once again.  Please bear with us, we will get back to you but there will be a short delay as we work through the volume of enquiries we are expecting.

3. I’ve Booked Vip Tickets – Will The Same Tickets Be Available For 2022?

Yes. All ticket types purchased will be valid for the new 2022 date, resale or gifting as above.

4. Can I Buy A Ticket For The Rescheduled Show If I’m Not Already A Ticket Holder?

Yes. Tickets are now on resale for the new date. Please go here to buy your tickets from existing ticket holders who cannot make the rescheduled show: http://lustyglaze.twickets.live/ – This is our official ticket resale partner and you will never pay more than face value for your tickets.

5. How Do I Register My E-Tickets For Re-Sale?

a) Please go here: http://lustyglaze.twickets.live/ where you will need to create an account to be able to register your e-tickets for re-sale (at face value only)
b) You can only register a maximum of 6 tickets. If you have purchased more, you must list them in separate listings.
c) Buyers are not able to purchase part of a listing (for example: if you list 4 tickets, a buyer must buy all 4)
Please note, Lusty Glaze Beach does not have anything to do with the re-sale terms, conditions and process. Please contact Twickets directly with any issues during the process. Go here for more details: How It Works

6. Where Can I Find My E-Ticket Reference Numbers?

Your e-ticket reference can be found on your original confirmation email/e-ticket.

7. Can I Request A Refund?

Yes, if for any reason you cannot attend the new date and you are not able to use our official resale partner, please email events@lustyglaze.co.uk attaching your tickets along with your full personal details. You must do this by 30th June 2021 to be eligible for a refund.

8. Can I Request A Refund On My Tickets Purchased From Twickets?

We are not able to offer refunds for 3rd party transactions.

9. Can I Re-Sell Tickets Purchased From Twickets

Yes, you are able to re-sell resale tickets under the same terms and conditions under which you purchased them with at http:\\lustyglaze.twickets.live

10. I’ve Booked My Travel & Accommodation For The Event – Will This Be Refunded?

Lusty Glaze Beach ticket terms and conditions state that we are not able to refund or reimburse any costs ticketholders may have incurred for travel, accommodation, any other related goods or service or other compensation. You will need to contact the accommodation and/or travel provider directly for their terms and conditions for refunds.

Full terms and conditions can be found here: https://www.lustyglaze.co.uk/headline-sessions-ticket-terms-conditions/


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