01637 872444 info@lustyglaze.co.uk


When I first heard about this theme I thought ‘mystical creatures and enchanting décor’, however the further I got into researching ‘wanderlust’ the more I realised that wanderlust-themed weddings are less about the décor and more about embracing an epic location for...
Eco Conscious Wedding Tips

Eco Conscious Wedding Tips

With the world becoming even more environmentally conscious, why stop when planning your wedding? Here’s a list of handy tips to make your wedding eco-friendly, which we hope will help you think twice when it comes to those non-useable plastics. After all, even...
Whimsical Winter Weddings

Whimsical Winter Weddings

Although the thought of planning a wedding on a beach during the English winter may sound crazy, here at Lusty Glaze we couldn’t think of a better time to tie the knot. With cosy blanket storm watching, winter themed BBQs and warmed cider, we think winter weddings...